Evening Rendezvous - Terry Redlin by Buffalo Games and Puzzles 500 pieces

Brand:  Buffalo Games and Puzzles

Title:  Evening Rendezvous

Pieces:  500 (actually 513)

Size:  21.25" x 15"

This was my first puzzle with artwork by Terry Redlin.  This is another good quality puzzle from Buffalo Games and Puzzles.  I found putting the trees together to be the most challenging part (other than the false fits, which I talk about below).  I look forward to getting more puzzles by this artist.

This was the first puzzle where I have encountered a problem with false fits.  Because this puzzle is quite dark, it is easier to put a piece where it doesn't belong.

I hit a dead end on putting the edge together and had to get my wife to figure out where I had screwed up.

Then when I put the sky together, I got down to a point where there were only 3 or 4 pieces left, and none of them fit into one of the holes.  I knew where one of the other pieces went, and discovered it would not fit because one of the adjacent pieces was the wrong piece even though it fit perfectly on the edges available.  That piece turned out to fit the hole perfectly.  After that it was smooth sailing.


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