Drops of Color - Aimee Stewart by Buffalo Games and Puzzles 300 pc.


Brand:  Buffalo Games and Puzzles

Title:  Drops of Color

Series:  Color Explosion

Artist:  Aimee Stewart

Number of Pieces: 300 Large Pieces

Size:  21.25" x 15"

Poster included:  Yes

Quality:  Excellent

  - Missing pieces:  None

  - False Fits:  None

  - Sections stay together when moving:  Yes, though I didn't really do that much.

  - Bent or delaminated pieces:   Two or three pieces showed signs of beginning to slightly delaminate (part of the tip of a tab) when I was taking the puzzle apart.  The fit was very tight.

  - Uncut pieces:  None

  - Finished puzzle can be picked up by edges:  Yes, the pieces fit on this puzzle was extremely tight.  I picked it up and waved it around by one edge and it stayed together.

  - Image quality:  Excellent

  - Puzzle dust:  Didn't notice any

What I liked:  This was our first gradient puzzle and we enjoyed putting it together.  It was a little easier than I anticipated.  Once you get the border done, you can narrow down the number of candidate pieces for a section to a small number and used the color gradient to orient them correctly in most cases.

What I didn't like:  Nothing


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